health tips cancer dangerous cells remain in the body know reason

health tips cancer dangerous cells remain in the body know reason

Cancer :Cancer is a very dangerous disease. According to the Global Cancer Observatory (Globocan), every year 1.90 crore people in the world fall prey to cancer. India is at third place after China and America. According to WHO, every year around 1 crore people in the world lose their lives due to cancer. In comparison to 2010, about 21% more deaths occurred due to cancer in 2019.

However, if cancer is identified on time, its treatment is possible. But cancer cells cannot be completely eliminated. Its dangerous cells (cancer cells) remain in the body. Let us know about its cause and effective treatment…

How dangerous are cancer cells?

Cancer is caused by abnormal growth of cells. Actually, the cells in our body grow according to a pattern and after some time they die on their own. These dead cells are replaced by new and healthy cells, but when cancer occurs, the controlling effect of the cells is lost, due to which they start growing in an uncontrolled manner.

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Cancer cells can remain in the body even after treatment

Depending on where the cancer has occurred and how much it has progressed, it is divided into four stages. The method of treatment is also the same. The sooner this disease is detected, the greater are the chances of recovery. However, sometimes even after cancer treatment, its cells can survive in the body and re-emerge. This is because it is very difficult to eliminate them completely.

Why do cancer cells survive in the body despite treatment?

Ways to eliminate cancer cells

1. Chemotherapy- This is a medicine which kills cancer cells.

2. Radiotherapy- This is a technique that uses radiation to destroy cancer cells.

3. Surgery- This is a process in which cancer cells are removed from the body.

4. Immunotherapy- This is a technique that helps the body’s immune system to destroy cancer cells.

New methods to eliminate cancer cells

1. Gene therapy- This is a technique which helps in changing the genes of cancer cells.

2. Stem cell therapy- This is a technique that uses stem cells to eliminate cancer cells.

3. Nanotechnology- This is a technology that uses nanoparticles to destroy cancer cells.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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